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Boost your online fundraising just as they did:

“In 6 months we have raised about €350,000 online. This amount represents about 4,000 new donors, both one-off and monthly. Compared to last year in the same period we have experienced a growth of 46% in our online fundraising.”
“After running the A/B tests on the iRaiser platform and changing the layout of our donation pages, we saw that there was a 133% increase in revenue. You can see that the conversion rate and the revenue per session was much higher, and the bounce rate was actually lower. We immediately switched all donation pages resulting in a 919% increase in online income compared to July, which is monumental.”
“It makes a huge difference over time to the charity’s income. Raising half a million last year felt like a really special achievement, and to do it together, we’re really delighted about that. These funds are raised using iRaiser's fundraising platform, and the results have consistently improved every single year that we've been working with the solution. And for that, we are grateful.”

We've helped our clients raise over €2B in donations → Join them!